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About the MailZip
The What:
MailZip is an SaaS system that solves address and location identification problem, providing local manufacturers and fashion designers market visibility to sale their brand and to be located anywhere they are using MailZip addressing system.
MailZip is founded by MailZip Tech Services LTD, which is a Nigeria based company.
The Why:
Address location and identification is a very big problem as many places can not be identified or located. Due to this issues many businesses remain unidentifiable, while maintain diffculity for customers to locate them.
Thousands and millions of businesses dependent on location and address identification to render their services. Small bsuinesses suffer the most due to the ability to reach out to millions of users, visibility and identification.
Vision and Mission
To improve location dependent business and impact many lives as possible by solving address / location related problem.
To stop long description of address to a MailZip Code
To help small businesses get access to resources and expansion
Providing opporcunity to small businesses to sale more